Distorted frequency

To the best version of ourselves,

We are a work in progress. 
We're the miracle we've been waiting for.
Not defined by circumstances
-certainly not prisoners of defeat.
The red flags we let slide are the deal breakers in our stride.
-To turn ourselves in, to the dreams we strive.
Responsibility is the burden we do not wish to carry, yet here we are alphas of our destiny.
We rise to the occasion in our forsaken attire of valour.
To those who chance upon the rhythm we tread,
bare witness to the gleaming badge of a misfit statured against our chest.

Goodbye birdie

Familiarity is a perfume that slowly starts to fade with time.

When will the memories ready itself for the closet? -Its water under the bridge.
There must be a road in this place that doesn’t share a resemblance of what was before.
By now I should know;
Change will never accept bygones.
They are where they were last seen, where they rightfully belong.

The sun will set its plan for tomorrow.
All that you have and all that you can ever own is in the moment.
If this was beautiful, let pain inspire rather than cripple.

Dear old times,
I miss the ring of your innocence, the laughter of oblivion
-But to give the present a chance and for the future to have its way,
I fear I must let you go.
I will treasure it all, just like how it used to be
-As the next season takes me to newer dreams.